About PowerPay

PowerPay in the Past

PowerPay is a FREE, web-based calculator that provides personalized debt repayment plans based on keeping debt payments consistent until all debts are paid in full.

PowerPay was created by former Utah State University Extension faculty Dean Miner in 1993 as a super calc spreadsheet. Judy Harris, also former Utah State University Extension faculty, helped convert the template into a standalone resource on diskettes and later CDs which were sold to financial counselors and educators. In 2006, Ann House, former Utah State University Extension faculty, and Dean Miner decided consumers could benefit from direct access to PowerPay and placed PowerPay online as a free resource. In 2014, PowerPay partnered with New Mexico State University Learning Games Lab to create the PowerPay Debt Elimination iOS app. In 2019, the website was updated with new options and supporting features. The website was updated with a new design and improved tools in 2023.

PowerPay has been used and recommended by Extension professionals in multiple states, and utilized by the military and large corporations such as Fannie Mae, America Saves, and Neighborworks Training Institute. PowerPay received national recognition in 2021 by the Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education as an outstanding innovative tool that helps educators apply the best principles for debt reduction with their clientele.


PowerPay in the Present

PowerPay continues to be available for free to consumers and educators and is managed by Utah State University Extension, currently under the direction of Melanie Jewkes, Extension Professor.

Thousands of consumers worldwide have benefited from following their personalized debt elimination plan and have saved millions of dollars collectively.

“I have gone from a sickening pit in my stomach to tears of jubilation. I have gone from what I thought was a 10-year plan to a 3-year plan, which has taken me off financial (pressing on physical) life support. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” - PowerPay User

Tell us how PowerPay has helped you or how we can make PowerPay better: Provide PowerPay Feedback Here


PowerPay in the Future

We want to maintain commercial free, no cost access to PowerPay but receive no on-going program funding from the university. Please help us keep PowerPay free and we will acknowledge your support on our donor's page.

Donate to PowerPay: DONATE HERE


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The PowerPay website is Rehabilitation Act section 508 compliant.

About USU Extension


